We donate “a piece of forest”

More and more people in developing countries around the world are suffering from the consequences of increasing drought. In a joint pilot project, Denk Ingredients and Denk Pharma have supported a project dedicated to this problem.The forest makers in Kenya, who are supported by World Vision, are in charge of a reforestation project. Using a […]


World Health Day

Today’s World Health Day is a good opportunity to draw attention to the fact that while COVID-19 has hit all countries hard, the impact has been most severe in the poorest and most vulnerable regions of the world, as the United Nations report. The pandemic affects the already critical socioeconomic situation of developing countries, increases […]


Cardio-Metabolic Symposium

We recently welcomed more than 300 physicians from Central America to our Cardio-Metabolic Symposium. During this digital event, experts spoke about recent research and development and the current state of knowledge in this field.

Auch in diesem Jahr hat Denk Pharma Forschungsstipendien an Ärzte in der Mongolei vergeben, die sich durch eine hervorragende Leistung in der Patientenbetreuung und unermüdliches Engagement in der Forschung auszeichnen. Honoriert wurden beispielsweise die Einführung fortschrittlicher Technologien in die klinische Praxis sowie herausragende Leistungen während der globalen COVID-19-Pandemie

Scholarships for physicians in Mongolia

This year Denk Pharma has once again awarded research grants to physicians in Mongolia who are distinguished by their outstanding performance in patient care and tireless commitment to research.Awards were for example given for introducing advanced technology in the clinical practice and for outstanding achievements during the global COVID 19 pandemic.


Breast cancer awareness month

According to the German Cancer Society, one of eight women suffer from breast cancer during their lifetime. In the fight against breast cancer, early detection is still crucial. This includes breast self-examination as well as regular examination by a doctor. On the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, we inform you about the […]
